For Members
Florida Community Care makes it easy to take charge of your health. Our member page provides helpful tools and resources to manage your care – all in one place, available 24/7.
Contact Member Services
Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm.
Plan Resources
See details and documents related to the Florida Community Care’s Long-Term Care Plus Plan.
Member Handbook
OTC Catalog
Reference Materials
Florida Community Care wants to help you stay connected to your doctor during these uncertain times. One way of being sure you are in touch with your doctor is through the use of telehealth.
What is Telehealth?
Telehealth is the use of electronic information and telecommunication technologies to extend care when you and the doctor aren’t in the same place at the same time. If you have a phone or a device with the internet, you already have everything you need to do telehealth – you may be able to:
What types of care can I get using Telehealth?
You might be surprised by the variety of care you can get through telehealth. Your doctor will decide whether telehealth is appropriate for your health needs. And these services are covered by Florida Community Care. If you need care — especially during COVID-19 — it’s worth checking to see what your telehealth options are. For example, you may be able to get:
Does my doctor offer Telehealth?
Many doctors are now offering telehealth services to their patients. You should call your doctor to find out what telehealth they offer. If you need assistance you can reach out to your Florida Community Care Care Manager who can help you at 833-322-7526 and press 2.
Complaints, Grievances, and Plan Appeals
We want you to be happy with us and the care you receive from our providers. Let us know right away if at any time you are not happy with anything about us or our providers. This includes if you do not agree with a decision we have made. If you are not happy with us or our providers, you can file a complaint.
If you are not happy with us or our providers you can call us at any time at 1-833-FCC-PLAN or TTY 711. We will try to solve your issue within 1 business day.
If you are not happy with the choice made on your complaint you may file a formal grievance with Florida Community Care.
If you want to file a grievance, write us or call us at any time. Call us to ask for more time to solve your grievance if you think more time will help.
To file a grievance, you can:
Call Member Services 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday (ET) at 1-833-FCC-PLAN or TTY 711.
Or write us a letter telling us why you are not happy. Be sure to include:
Mail the letter to:
Florida Community Care
Attn: Grievances and Appeals
4601 NW 77th Ave,
Miami, FL 33166
We will review your grievance and send you a letter with our decision within 30 days. If we need more time to solve your grievance, we will send you a letter with our reason and tell you about your rights if you disagree.
If you would rather have someone speak for you, let us know. Another person can act for you. You have the right to review your grievance file at any time.
If you do not agree with a decision we made about your services, you can ask for an Appeal.
To file an appeal, you can:
Call Member Services 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday (ET) at 1-833-FCC-PLAN or TTY 711.
Or write us a letter telling us why you are not happy. Be sure to include:
Mail the letter to:
Florida Community Care
Attn: Grievances and Appeals
4601 NW 77th Ave,
Miami, FL 33166
You can write us, or call us and follow up in writing, within 60 days of our decision about your services. Ask for your services to continue within 10 days of receiving our letter, if needed. Some rules may apply.
We will send you a letter within 5 business days to tell you we received your appeal. We will also help you complete any forms that are needed. We will review your appeal and send you a letter within 30 days to answer you.
If you think waiting for 30 days will put your health in danger, you can ask for an Expedited or “Fast” Appeal. Write us or call us within 60 days of our decision about your services.
To ask for an Expedited or "Fast" Appeal, you can:
Call Member Services 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday (ET) at 1-833-FCC-PLAN or TTY 711 within 60 days of our decision about your services.
Or write us a letter telling us why you are not happy. Be sure to include:
Mail the letter to:
Florida Community Care
Attn: Grievances and Appeals
4601 NW 77th Ave
Miami, FL 33126
We will give you an answer within 48 hours after we receive your request. We may also call you the same day if we do not agree that you need a fast appeal, and send you a letter within 2 days.
Discrimination Complaints
Florida Community Care complies with all Federal civil rights laws and does not exclude people or treat them differently in admission to, access to, or employment in its programs, services, or activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. In accordance with federal law, communication aids and services are provided free of charge in order ensure equal opportunity and effective communication. If you believe we have failed to provide these services or discriminated in another way on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex, you may submit a discrimination complaint with Florida Community Care.
Advance Directive, Living Will and Healthcare Surrogate
Many people worry about their health care if they were not able to make their own decisions. The Patient Self-Determination Act, health care under Florida Law, lets you make choices about your health care. Some of your rights are to accept or refuse health or surgical care and the right to have an advanced directive
Your Right to Decide
There may be times when you cannot make choices about your health care. You can then choose to have somebody make these choices for you. You can do this using an advanced directive.
What is an Advanced Directive
An advance directive is a written or spoken statement about how you want medical decisions made if you can’t make them yourself. Some people make advance directives when they get very sick or are at the end of their lives. Other people make advance directives when they are healthy. You can change your mind and these documents at any time. We can help you understand or get these documents. They do not change your right to quality health care benefits. The only purpose is to let others know what you want if you can’t speak for yourself.
You may also pick a person to make health care choices for you if you become mentally or physically unable to make your own choices. An advanced directive may be in the form of a Living Will, a Healthcare Surrogate Designation, or both.
Make sure that someone, like your PCP, lawyer, family member, or case manager, knows that you have an advanced directive and where it is located.
If there are any changes in the law about advance directives, we will let you know within 90 days. You don’t have to have an advance directive if you do not want one.
If your provider is not following your advance directive, you can file a complaint with Member Services at 1-833-FCC-PLAN or the Agency by calling 1-888-419-3456.
You may also want to think about the following:
Click here to complete your Health Care Advance Directives Wallet Card.
Click here to download advanced directive forms.
What is a Living Will?
A Living Will tells the kind of medical care you want or do not want. These are in case you become unable to make your own choices. It is called a Living Will because it takes effect while you are still living.
Florida law provides a suggested form for a living will. You may also wish to speak to a lawyer or doctor to make sure that you have finished the Living Will rightly so that your wishes will be understood.
For more information speak with your case manager or call us at 1-833-FCC-PLAN or TTY 711.
What is a Healthcare Surrogate?
A Healthcare Surrogate Designation is a signed, dated and witnessed paper stating that another person can make health care choices for you. This is an important document to have in case you cannot make healthcare choices for yourself.
You may also name a second person if your first choice is not available. You can include details about any treatment care you want or do not want. Florida law also provides a form you can use for designation of a healthcare surrogate. You may also wish to speak to a lawyer or doctor. This is to make sure that you have finished the Healthcare Surrogate Designation right. You want to make sure that your wishes will be clear.
For more information speak with your care manager or call us at 1-833-FCC-PLAN or TTY 711.
Living Will or Healthcare Surrogate, which one should you choose?
A Living Will and Healthcare Surrogate Designation are two unique, yet alike forms. You can have two forms. Also, you can combine them into one form. Which form of advanced directive you use is your choice. You can change your mind or cancel it at any time. The only time an advanced directive may be used is when you cannot make healthcare choices for yourself. Once you are able to make these choices on your own again, the advanced directive will not be in effect. Your advanced directive will remain on ‘stand-by’. If you ever become disabled again and cannot make health care choices for yourself, your advanced directive will come into effect.
If your directive is not being followed, you can call the state’s complaint line at 1-888-419-3456.
Your primary care doctor must teach you about advanced directives. They should detail this in your health record.
You can also download more info about advance directives by going to the Agency for Health Care Administration website at
Emergency and Urgent Situation
We want you to be happy with us and the care you receive from our providers. Let us know right away if at any time you are not happy with anything about us or our providers. This includes if you do not agree with a decision we have made. If you are not happy with us or our providers, you can file a complaint.
You have a medical emergency when you are so sick or hurt that your life or health is in danger if you do not get medical help right away. Some examples are:
Emergency services are those services that you get when you are very ill or injured. These services try to keep you alive or to keep you from getting worse. They are usually delivered in an emergency room.
If your condition is severe, call 911 or go to the closest emergency facility right away. You can go to any hospital or emergency facility. If you are not sure if it is an emergency, call your PCP. Your PCP will tell you what to do.
The hospital or facility does not need to be part of our provider network or in our service area. You also do not need to get approval ahead of time to get emergency care or for the services that you receive in an emergency room to treat your condition.
If you have an emergency when you are away from home, get the medical care you need. Be sure to call Member Services when you are able and let us know.
If you need to go to the hospital for an appointment, surgery or overnight stay, your PCP will set it up. We must approve services in the hospital before you go, except for emergencies. We will not pay for hospital services unless we approve them ahead of time or it is an emergency.
If you have a case manager, they will work with you and your provider to put services in place when you go home from the hospital.
Urgent Care is not Emergency Care. Urgent Care is needed when you have an injury or illness that must be treated within 48 hours. Your health or life are not usually in danger, but you cannot wait to see your PCP or it is after your PCP’s office has closed.
If you need Urgent Care after office hours and you cannot reach your PCP, call your case manager at 1-833-FCC-PLAN.
You may also find the closest Urgent Care center to you by checking the Florida Community Care online directory. Follow these instructions:
Are having a true behavioral health emergency? Do you think that you are a danger to yourself or others? Call “911” or go the nearest emergency room for care if you think you are.
Examples of emergency mental health problems include:
If you are out of the area and have an emergency, go to the nearest emergency room or call 911. Show your primary Medicaid/Medicare insurance ID Card.
If you are away and have an urgent problem, go to an urgent care clinic. You may go to any primary care doctor where you are. Be sure to show your primary Medicare/Medicaid insurance ID card.
Florida Community Care expects you to get a referral before services are obtained. Services by out of network providers may not be paid unless prior authorization is obtained by your Case Manager.
Prior authorization is not needed required for emergency services or post stabilization care. This is whether you receive this care within or outside of the Florida Community Care network.
An emergency is when you have severe pain, illness or injury. It could result in danger to you or your unborn child.
For enrollees with Medicare coverage, to get emergency services, you should follow the instructions of your primary Medicare insurance.
Enrollees have the right to use any hospital or other settings for emergency care.
Member Rights and Responsibilities
We want you to be happy with us and the care you receive from our providers. Let us know right away if at any time you are not happy with anything about us or our providers. This includes if you do not agree with a decision we have made. If you are not happy with us or our providers, you can file a complaint.
As a recipient of Medicaid and a member in a Plan, you also have certain rights. You have the right to:
LTC Members have the right to:
As a recipient of Medicaid and a member in a Plan, you also have certain responsibilities. You have the responsibility to:
LTC Members have the responsibility to:
You have to pay for the patient responsibility when you live in a facility, like an assisted living facility or adult family care home. Patient responsibility is the money you must pay towards the cost of your care. DCF will tell you the amount of your patient responsibility. Patient responsibility is based on your income and will change if your income changes.
Need Help?
Florida Community Care is a Managed Care Plan with a Florida Medicaid Contract.
The benefit information provided is a brief summary, not a complete description of benefits. For more information contact FCC. Limitations, co-payments, and/or restrictions may apply. Benefits, formulary, pharmacy network, premium and/or co-payments/co-insurance may change. Enrollment Broker/Choice Counseling: 1.877.711.3662 — TDD: 1.866.467.4970
FCC complies with applicable federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex.
Copyright ©2025. Florida Community Care, LLC. All Rights Reserved.