Weather Notices
Florida Community Care wants to continue supporting recovery efforts following the disaster caused by Hurricane Helene.
On 09/23/2024, the Governor issued a State of Emergency in these following Florida Counties: Alachua, Baker, Bay, Bradford, Brevard, Calhoun, Charlotte, Citrus, Clay, Collier, Columbia, DeSoto, Dixie, Duval, Escambia, Flagler, Franklin, Gadsden, Gilchrist, Glades, Gulf, Hamilton, Hardee, Hendry, Hernando, Highlands, Hillsborough, Holmes, Jackson, Jefferson, Lafayette, Lake, Lee, Leon, Levy, Liberty, Madison, Manatee, Marion, Monroe, Nassau, Okaloosa, Okeechobee, Orange, Osceola, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, Putnam, Santa Rosa, Sarasota, Seminole, St. Johns, Sumter, Suwannee, Taylor, Union, Volusia, Wakulla, Walton, and Washington counties.
If you are a Florida Community Care plan member, please call your case manager directly or call us at 1- 833-FCC-PLAN (1-833-322-7526) (TDD/TTY 711) prompts (1, 2, 3 for your preferred language, 1 for Florida Community Care, then 2 for Member Services). If you require an early refill of a prescription, you may go to your pharmacy, and they will provide a 30- day supply if you live in a county affected by the State of Emergency.
Florida Community Care wants to help you prepare for the upcoming emergency threat of Hurricane Milton.
On 10/5/2024, the Governor issued a State of Emergency in these following Florida Counties: Alachua, Baker, Bradford, Brevard, Broward, Charlotte, Citrus, Clay, Collier, Columbia, DeSoto, Dixie, Duval, Flagler, Gilchrist, Glades, Hamilton, Hardee, Hendry, Hernando, Highlands, Hillsborough, Indian River, Lafayette, Lake, Lee, Levy, Madison, Manatee, Marion, Martin, Miami-Dade, Momoe, Nassau, Okeechobee, Orange, Osceola, Palm Beach, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, Putnam, Sarasota, Seminole, St. Johns, St. Lucie, Sumter, Suwanee, Taylor, Union, and Volusia counties.
If you are a Florida Community Care plan member, please call your case manager directly or call us at 1- 833-FCC-PLAN (1-833-322-7526) (TDD/TTY 711) prompts (1, 2, 3 for your preferred language, 1 for Florida Community Care, then 2 for Member Services). If you require an early refill of a prescription, you may go to your pharmacy, and they will provide a 30- day supply if you live in a county affected by the State of Emergency.
Florida Community Care wants to support recovery efforts following the disaster caused by Hurricane Debby. On 8/1/2024, the Governor issued a State of Emergency in these following Florida Counties: Alachua, Baker, Bradford, Charlotte, Citrus, Clay, Collier, Columbia, Dixie, Duval, Franklin, Gadsden, Gilchrist, Hamilton, Hernando, Hillsborough, Jefferson, Lafayette, Lake, Lee, Leon, Levy, Liberty, Madison, Manatee, Marion, Nassau, Pasco, Pinellas, Putnam, Sarasota, St. Johns, Sumter, Suwannee, Taylor, Union, and Wakulla counties. If you are a Florida Community Care plan member, please call your case manager directly or call us at 1- 833-FCC-PLAN (1-833-322-7526) (TDD/TTY 711) prompts (1, 2, 3 for your preferred language, 1 for Florida Community Care, then 2 for Member Services). If you require an early refill of a prescription, you may go to your pharmacy, and they will provide a 30- day supply if you live in a county affected by the State of Emergency
Enrollee Notice
Florida Community Care wants to support recovery efforts following the disaster caused by the North Florida Tornadoes.
On 1/9/2024, the Governor issued a State of Emergency in these following Florida Counties: Alachua, Baker, Bay, Bradford, Brevard, Calhoun, Citrus, Clay, Columbia, Dixie, Duval, Escambia, Flagler; Franklin, Gadsden, Gilchrist, Gulf, Hamilton, Hernando, Hillsborough, Holmes, Jackson, Jefferson, Lafayette, Lake, Leon, Levy, Liberty, Madison, Marion, Nassau, Okaloosa, Orange, Osceola, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, Putnam, Santa Rosa; Seminole; Sumter, St. Johns, Suwannee, Taylor, Union, Volusia, Wakulla, Walton and Washington.
If you are a Florida Community Care plan member, please call your case manager directly or call us at 1833-FCC-PLAN (1-833-322-7526) (TDD/TTY 711) and select option 2. If you require an early refill of a prescription, you may go to your pharmacy, and they will provide a 30day supply if you live in a county affected by the State of Emergency.
Enrollee Notice
Florida Community Care wants to support recovery efforts following the disaster caused by the South Florida Flash Flooding.
On 6/12/2024, the Governor issued a State of Emergency in these following Florida Counties: Broward, Collier, Lee, Miami-Dade, and Sarasota.
If you are a Florida Community Care plan member, please call your case manager directly or call us at 1- 833-FCC-PLAN (1-833-322-7526) (TDD/TTY 711) and select option 2. If you require an early refill of a prescription, you may go to your pharmacy, and they will provide a 30- day supply if you live in a county affected by the State of Emergency.
Enrollee Notice
Florida Community Care wants to continue supporting recovery efforts following the disaster caused by Hurricane Idalia.
On 12/19/2023, the Governor approved an additional 60-day extension for the State of Emergency in these following Florida Counties: Alachua, Baker, Bradford, Brevard, Calhoun, Charlotte, Citrus, Clay, Collier, Columbia, DeSoto, Dixie, Duval, Flagler, Franklin, Gadsden, Gilchrist, Gulf, Hamilton, Hardee, Hernando, Hillsborough, Jefferson, Lafayette, Lake, Lee, Leon, Levy, Liberty, Madison, Manatee, Marion, Nassau, Orange, Osceola, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, Putnam, Sarasota, Seminole, St. Johns, Sumter, Suwannee, Taylor, Union, Volusia, and Wakulla Counties.
The State of Emergency was not extended for Bay County, and was allowed to expire on October 25, 2023. If you are a Florida Community Care plan member, please call your case manager directly or call us at 1833-FCC-PLAN (1-833-322-7526) (TDD/TTY 711) and select option 2. Ask your case manager about any necessary preparations or precautions. If you require an early refill of a prescription, you may go to your pharmacy and they will provide a 30-day supply if you live in a county affected by the State of Emergency. This information is available for free in other languages. Please contact our customer service number at 1-833-FCC-PLAN (1-833-322-7526) (TDD/TTY 711) between the hours of 8 AM and 8 PM.
Queremos ayudarlo a recuperarse del impacto de Hurracan Idalia. El Governador ha aprobado una extension de 60 dias para el Estado de Emergencia en los siguientes Condados de la Florida: Alachua, Baker, Bradford, Brevard, Calhoun, Charlotte, Citrus, Clay, Collier, Columbia, DeSoto, Dixie, Duval, Flagler, Franklin, Gadsden, Gilchrist, Gulf, Hamilton, Hardee, Hernando, Hillsborough, Jefferson, Lafayette, Lake, Lee, Leon, Levy, Liberty, Madison, Manatee, Marion, Nassau, Orange, Osceola, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, Putnam, Sarasota, Seminole, St. Johns, Sumter, Suwannee, Taylor, Union, Volusia, y Wakulla. El Estado de Emergencia no fue extendido para el Condado Bay, y expiro el 25 de Octubre, 2023 en esa region. Si es una emergencia, por favor llame al 911 inmediatamente. Para asuntos que no sean de emergencia, llam e a 1-833-FCC-PLAN (1-833-322-7526) (TDD/TTY 711) y pregunte por su trabajador social. Esta información está disponible gratis en otros idiomas. Por favor, póngase en contacto con nuestro número de Servicios para Miembros a 1-833-FCC-PLAN (1-833-322-7526) (TDD/TTY 711), de lunes a Viernes, de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m.
Enfòmasyon sa a disponib gratis nan lòt lang. Tanpri kontakte sèvis kliyantèl nou an nan nimewo 1-833FCC-PLAN (1-833-322-7526) (TDD/TTY 711) soti lendi pou rive vandredi, depi 8è AM rive 8è PM.
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Florida Community Care is a Managed Care Plan with a Florida Medicaid Contract.
The benefit information provided is a brief summary, not a complete description of benefits. For more information contact FCC. Limitations, co-payments, and/or restrictions may apply. Benefits, formulary, pharmacy network, premium and/or co-payments/co-insurance may change. Enrollment Broker/Choice Counseling: 1.877.711.3662 — TDD: 1.866.467.4970
FCC complies with applicable federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex.
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